Who could say no to a dessert of caramel, marshmallow and chocolate. These are all the elements that make up this cheesecake inspired dessert, bringing what we love about the iconic Pinky Bar to the celebration table.
…Sweet Fusion
Who could say no to a dessert of caramel, marshmallow and chocolate. These are all the elements that make up this cheesecake inspired dessert, bringing what we love about the iconic Pinky Bar to the celebration table.
…Does your little explorer have an upcoming birthday party or a love for animals? If so, I’ve put together three fun inspired recipes that will complement any celebration or ‘Into The Wild’ table setting.
…The flavour combination of strawberries and cream always brings back nostalgic memories for me. From sprinkling freshly cut strawberries with icing sugar and a drizzle of cream, right through to lollipops of the same flavour that taste just like childhood.
…Banana bread is such a classic recipe that many may say needs no added bells and whistles. However, I’m all about those bells and whistles and like to turn up the volume for that next OMG moment that gets people talking.
…Kiwi’s love their baking, their biscuits and their slices. One of New Zealand most loved homemade favourites is the timeless Peanut Brownie. There’s no household growing up that didn’t have these nostalgic biscuit lining baking trays, filling cookie jars and lunch boxes. In fact I ran a poll on Baker Gatherer’s Facebook a while back, asking kiwi their favourite homemade biscuits from the Edmonds cookbook. The clear winner was the Peanut Brownie, so I really wanted to celebrate this home classic by creating something new and delicious.
…If there’s something I’ve learnt recently, it’s that we really love lemons in baking, myself included! I may also be bias, but I’ve already noticed that kiwi’s love their no-bake cheesecakes too. There is something so smooth and morish about them, I wonder if it’s that delicious cream cheese? Recognising these two revelations, I really wanted to combine our love of lemons, cream cheese and bread into one well rounded recipe. Pun intended.
…It’s no surprise that coating puffed rice in chocolate would become an iconic family favourite, because after all, who doesn’t love chocolate. However, it wasn’t just the crispy puffed chocolate pieces that were the hero at breakfast time, it was also the chocolate milk left behind in the bowl. This secondary hero right there is the inspiration for this Chocolate Shake Cheesecake recipe.
…Puffed honey cereals are quintessentially kiwi and have been enjoyed up and down the country (as well as over the ditch) since its creation many years ago. I also feel honey in general gives the connotation of health, nature and of course, fun. So this cereal feels somewhat like a comfort food and a homely staple in the pantry growing up.
…I remember seeing these brightly coloured and fruit flavoured cereals growing up, unfortunately for young me, these fun cereals were never on a parents shopping list. So during my younger years, they almost seemed somewhat of a mythical cereal that you hear about, but never actually get to experience. But guess what, now as an adult, I can now buy whatever cereal I want!
…If it wasn’t to enjoy a bowl of humble puffed rice in the morning with plenty of sugar as a child, then it would have been made into the sought after rice crispy treat at birthday parties! I’m pretty sure back then it was mixed through with kremelta… Luckily I believe those days are long gone and today we now use plenty of marshmallows instead!