I can hear you saying, what on earth is a Sconut? Well, let me tell you. It’s the fusion of a scone and a donut, taking the best parts of both to form one. Inspired by New Zealand’s love for hot cups of tea, freshly baked scones and morish donuts, how could I not create something new with an exciting name to match.
I’ve always loved my scones filled with jam and cream, as well as my donuts. So this fusion only seemed natural to experiment with. Imagine the classic scone texture we know and love, flavoured with the taste of cinnamon donuts, coated in cinnamon sugar and filled with lashings of fresh cream and strawberry jam. This all sounds like a match made in heaven and the perfect treat to enjoy with a nice hot cup of Bell Tea Original on a sunny weekend morning.
For as long as I can remember, Bell Tea had always been a staple in my household and was always my dad’s favourite go-to hot drink. Of course, the branding and boxes looked a little different back then, but, with that said, Bell has always been ‘everyone’s cup of tea’. This year marks the celebrations of Bell’s 120th birthday since creating their ‘original’ brew back in 1898. Since founding their humble roots, Bell Tea has introduced plenty of new teas to their range, perfect for everyone’s tastes.
Scroll down for your chance to win and sample Bell Tea’s range of teas.
- 510g Plain Flour
- 5 Teaspoon Baking Powder
- 60g Butter
- Pinch of Salt
- 1 Tablespoon Sugar
- 2 Teaspoon Cinnamon
- 1 Teaspoon Nutmeg
- 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
- ¾ Cup Milk
- Cinnamon Sugar
- 80g Butter - Melted
- 200g Sugar
- 1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
- Filling
- 200ml Cream
- 80g Icing Sugar
- 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
- 4 Teaspoon Water (Optional)
- 1 Teaspoon Gelatin (Optional)
- Strawberry Jam
- To start, flick oven on to 180°C degrees bake and line an oven tray with baking paper.
- Using a large bowl, add all of the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.
- Add the butter and rub in to dry ingredients until it resembles a fine crumb.
- Finally, pour in milk and vanilla, and mix through with a knife until dough comes together (Add a little more milk or flour to get the right consistency).
- Turn dough out onto a floured bench and knead for about a minute before rolling dough out to approximately 1cm thickness.
- Using a circular cookie cutter or upside down drinking glass, cut out circles of dough and arrange them on a prepared baking tray.
- Bake for 15 minutes or until risen and cooked through.
- While baking, start prepping the cinnamon sugar.
- Melt butter in a bowl a set-aside. Also mix together the sugar and cinnamon in another bowl too.
- When the scones come out of the oven, immediately coat them in melted butter and cover with cinnamon sugar one at a time. Set aside to cool completely.
- Once cooled, it’s time to fill with whipped cream. I like to use gelatin to stabilise the whipped cream, which then holds nicely inside the scones.
- So to start, add the water to a ramekin, then sprinkle over gelatin. Allow to sit for roughly 5 minutes.
- Either using a free-standing mixer or a hand-held beater beat the cream, icing sugar and vanilla for a minute to combine.
- When the gelatin is set, place in the microwave for 10 seconds to melt back into a liquid before pouring into the cream mixture while beating on a high speed. Continue to beat until whipped.
- To assemble your Sconuts, slice in half, pipe with whipped cream and add a dollop of strawberry jam. Perfect to enjoy with a hot cup of tea!
To celebrate 120 years of Bell Tea, I have a prize pack to giveaway to one lucky reader. This prize pack will have you enjoying Bell Tea’s Original, Kenya Bold, Peppermint, Green Tea as well as their Strawberry & Mango White Tea.
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment below sharing how you like to enjoy a cup of Bell Tea yourself.
One winner will be chosen at random and announced here on Saturday 24th November. Open to New Zealand residents only. Good luck.
This is a sponsored post for Bell Tea. I only work with products and brands I know and trust, and all opinions are my own.
Bell is our families tea of preference and has been growing up, with new flavoured options of Bell tea o er the past few years has only increased our tea drinking experiences. Bell does it Best. 120 years strong!
For nearly 12 months ive been having green tea or Chamomile each night. Definitely has helped to relax me more
Love a cup of bell with scones,raspberry jam and cream mmmm
I love to just lie in the sun read my book with my cup of tea it destresses me wen I’m having a bad day
I love a cuppa once the kids are all at school and everything is quiet
When the kids are in bed and its me, a book and a cup of Bell
Enjoy drinking tea while working with my students
I would love to take it to work to help unwind while we are working
First thing in the morning when all my coworkers get into work and we have a cup of tea first thing while we do the morning numbers and catch up. Usually we do another round if we see the boss coming in as we know we are going to be in discussions for a while!
I love to have a cup of tea with my book. It’s so relaxing once the kids have gone to school
The most satisfying time for me is after I’ve got my husband & children sorted & they’re off to work & school – house becomes quiet & I can relax & enjoy my first cuppa of the day, normally paired with a piece of toast 🙂
I love to finish my evening off with a milky tea in bed. It’s my way to relax and reflect on the day that’s been.
Plus it’s my own time without any children interrupting. Bliss 😍
Put my feet up, cup of Kenya bold bell tea and a bikkie. Tv time sorted!
Only the best tea would go with this recipe so I’m going to make it for myself and family over xmas x
Bell cuppa always anytime any place anywhere x
By myself once the kids are at school and housework is done.
I like a cup of tea in the evenings while watching TV or reading before bed my partner and I have turns making it.
I am a Bell tea lover, its my go to afternoon staple with my lunch or when i finally get 5mins to sit down & have a little me time😊 i love enjoying my cup of bell tea & a sneaky biscuit all to myself haha would love to win this 😄
Bell Tea is the best.
I love tea. before bed. Helps to relax, and wi d down after a hectic day. I love it in the morning also. Really anytime of day.
Tea has been a huge part of my life. Cups of teas on offer at my nanas as soon as we walked in the door. And now the same happens in my home. Friends and family get offered tea as they sit down. I love my tea nice and strong with a dash of milk. And maybe a gingernut or 2 to dunk as well. Nothing beats a good cuppa and some biscuit’s to dunk.
I’ve given up coffee for Bells Green Tea with Citrus over the past year and you can’t have a scone or dougjnut without a good cup of tea.
Looking forward to trying your receipe this weekend
I love a good hot cuppa in the morning, sitting outside in the sun with the chickens and then collecting their eggs for the day
I love tea, and Bell’s Kenya bold is my go to for all occasions.
Especially for dunking a gingernut, or other delicious accompaniment
I love a cup of bell tea with my afternoon Muesli bar at work to warm me up in our cool office and keep me going until dinner time ❤️
I like to treat myself on the weekend by sneaking away to a quiet spot in the house with a cup of freshly brewed Bell Ceylon leaf tea and a book. So good!
The first cup is always the best, I get up early 4 or 5am depending on if I am running and the first thing I do is make my cuppa, in my little teapot and my large bucket mug, teapot not that little, more like coffee plunger I have a bit of sugar and real farm gate milk. Yum
Nothing beats a nice strong hot cup of tea right after dinner and its kick back relax time. I enjoy this cuppa in the day the most.
I love to have a cup of tea at morning tea time with a biscuit
I love to enjoy a cup of tea when my mum comes to visit for a catch up 🙂
I like to grab my tray, fill a tea pot & add a couple of tea bags, small glass of sugar and a jug of milk..
Served with a home made high tea set up, all on my own! I value my spare time 🙂
Cup of Kenya Bold with a tiny splash of milk, even take it with me when I travel overseas!
Bell tea and bikkie duncking just don’t have the last sip lol 😂
Kids gone to school cuppa, morning tea cuppa, Chat with friends cuppa, after work cuppa and before bed cuppa.
Love a cup of black tea whilst reading
Hi! Can you please say what would the flour measurement be in cups, rather than grams. Thank you!
For accuarcy in measurement I alway use grams. However looking at my conversion page (www.bakergatherer.com/conversions), 510g plain flour equals about 3 cups. Hope that helps!
There is no other way to share a cup of Bell Tea but with family, ☺️💘.
Love a weak and hot cup of your Bell Tea’s Original, milk, no sugar, with a generous slice of moist chocolate cake and a big dollop of freshly whipped cream on top. Thanks for the lucky chance, to win this superb prize pack. If I win it I will share it, with my friends and family 🙂
Christmas Cake must be accompanied by a cup of tea. Magical combination.
Bell tea is the only tea I drink as it’s the best in my opinion ,it’s the first thing I have on waking up ,enjoy a cuppa with family and friends with homemade baking or just by itself ,” love the advert you can ring my bell ,don’t feel alive until I’ve had my cup of bell tea ,love to win this and indulge in my favourite drink of the day so 🤞🤞🤞
My husband and I always start our day with a cup of bell tea 🫖 and as my husband is not allowed to drink coffee he goes through a lot of bell tea bags in a day
Having a cup of tea while catching up with friends is always great.